Normally a thermostat use to be a very simple element just opening and closing a circuit in order to switch on or off a heating or air conditioner. But nowadays we look for a more “intelligent” control in order to reduce consumption but without losing any bit of comfort. It is not enough to switch on or off the heating at programmed time, we expect the system to detect our presence and how far we are from our home and, of course, remote control through internet.
The most advanced elements are developed in United States and they follow a standard not always directly applicable in other countries. Anyway it is possible, thanks to a simple adaptation, to be used in any country allowing the use of any model and provider.
The first requirement is the power supply as it is needed 24 volts AC. Normally there is no transformer or capacitor and there is directly a rectifier. Then it is possible to use a DC power supply as well. In this case we will use the Honeywell RTH6580WF thermostat.

This thermostat allow internet remote control through a wifi connection. Continue reading →